Do you remember the resolutions you set this year? To be completely honest, I don't even recall exactly what mine was. It got me thinking: it’s time to revisit 2020 goals.
Whether you've been working towards your resolutions or not (or even remember them), now is a great time to revisit and restore them.
Let’s do it together—shall we?
If you have your resolutions from January written down somewhere, read them over and ask yourself – number one, if these are still important goals of yours, and number two, if you’ve taken any steps towards said goals or not. Think about what was motivating you in January, and what you wanted to change or accomplish in 2020. Be honest with yourself on whether you’ve been on the right path this past couple of months.
You don’t need to look at New Year’s Resolutions as something set in stone. Determine if the resolutions still matter to you. There’s no reason to work towards goals that aren’t relevant to you anymore. Also, determine if your goals are realistic. Yes, we’re all told to shoot for the stars, but New Year’s Resolutions should be attainable. When you’re revisiting and revising, determine if each resolution is achievable or not, and make sure you’re being honest with yourself.
One way to revise your resolutions is to break them up into more attainable steps working towards the goals. You can also change the resolutions if you realize that your priorities have shifted. A lot can change in a couple months, and there’s no shame in switching up your goals.
Now, it’s time to restore the plan of action for achieving what you want for the rest of 2020. If you’ve been slacking, acknowledge that, but don’t be too hard on yourself. This time around, determine what you can do to actually work on your resolutions and goals.
Now, there’s still plenty of time left in 2020 to accomplish what we want to accomplish. Let’s do this.
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